The New Zealand Government offers the following scholarships to candidates of selected developing countries to undertake study in specific areas identified as relevant to the student's home country:
These scholarships close on 15 July each year.
NZAID: This scholarship is offered to people from selected developing countries by NZAID, the official aid and development agency. The scholarship funds postgraduate study in priority development sectors. It covers tuition fees, return airfare, basic living allowance, health care insurance and arrival allowance.
Commonwealth Scholarships:
Citizens of either a Commonwealth country are eligible. You must be under 25, and hold a university degree.
Grants are given for one or three years and cover expenses of travel, tuition fees and living. Financial help with books or clothes and for maintaining you spouse is also available.
The aim of the developmental scholarships is to provide financial assistance to students from developing countries to study courses related to development. Upon completion of the studies, students are supposed to their home countries.
Below is the list of scholarships available for Masters in Newzeland:
Linguistics Master of Arts Research Scholarship
Contact -
University of Otago International Masters Award
University of Otago
Victoria Graduate Award
Victoria Graduate Award
Victoria Masters (by thesis) Scholarship
Below is the list of scholarships for Under Graduate Studies:
Bayer boost Scholarship
CRV Ambreed Scholarship
Lincoln University
Dean's prestigious summer scholarship
University of Otago
English for academic purposes scholarship
Lincoln University
English for academic purposes scholarship
Lincoln University
International accommodation Scholarship
Lincoln University
Southern Environmental Trust Scholarship
Lincoln University
Tertiary fees Scholarship
Lincoln University
The Waikato MBM Scholarship
University of Waikato
Undergraduate Tuition Fees Scholarship - ASEAN
Victoria University of Wellington